London Bridge Hospital
27 Tooley Street
Princess Grace Hospital
London Digestive Centre
Welbeck Street
The Sloane Hospital
125 Albermarle Road
t: +44 20 7234 2240

Non-Alcoholic Fatty Liver
Non-alcoholic fatty liver (NAFL) is one of the most common causes of liver disease. People with diabetes, obesity, raised cholesterol and psoriasis are at particular risk, but it also affects many people who do not have these risk factors. It is often only discovered after noticing abnormal liver blood tests and performing appropriate investigations. 10-20% of people with fatty liver have the aggressive form of the disease called non-alcoholic steatohepatitis, or NASH for short.
As with other liver diseases, most patients with fatty liver or NASH will not have any symptoms, but without treatment, patients are at risk of progressive liver disease. Although there are no drugs licensed to treat NASH, many new drugs are currently in clinical trials and Professor Alazawi is an internationally recognised research leader in this field.
The cornerstone of treatment is behaviour and lifestyle change focussing on weight loss and exercise. Professor Alazawi is networked with dieticians, physiotherapists and behaviour specialists who can help patients achieve the targets needed to improve liver health and reduce the risk of complications.